多项选择题X 纠错

A. SELECT TO CNAR(2000,  ‘$#,###.##’)   FROM dual;
B. SELECT TO CNAR(2000,  ‘$0,000.00’)   FROM dual;
C. SELECT TO CNAR(2000,  ‘$9,999.00’)   FROM dual;
D. SELECT TO CNAR(2000,  ‘$9,999.99’)   FROM dual;
E. SELECT TO CNAR(2000,  ‘$2,000.00’)   FROM dual;
F. SELECT TO CNAR(2000, ‘$N,NNN.NN’)   FROM dual;

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A. ALTER VIEW emp_dept_vu (ADD manager_id NUMBER);
B. MODIFY VIEW emp_dept_vu (ADD manager_id NUMBER);
C. ALTER VIEW emp_dept_vu AS   SELECT employee_id, employee_name,   department_name, manager_id   FROM employee e, departments d   WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id;
D. MODIFY VIEW emp_dept_vu AS   SELECT employee_id, employee_name,   department_name, manager_id   FROM employees e, departments d   WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id;
E. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW emp_dept_vu AS   SELECT employee_id, employee_name,   department_name, manager_id   FROM employees e, departments d   WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id;
F. You must remove the existing view first, and then run the CREATE VIEW command   with a new column list to modify a view.


A. SELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders RANGE ON order _ total (100 AND 2000) INCLUSIVE;
B. SELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders HAVING order _ total BETWEEN 100 and 2000;
C. SELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders WHERE order _ total BETWEEN 100 and 2000;
D. SELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders WHERE order_total>= 100 and <= 2000;
E. SELECT customer_id, order_id, order_total FROM orders WHERE order_total>= 100 and order_total <= 2000;


A.SELECT student_id, semester_end, gpa FROM student_grades ORDER BY semester_end DESC, gpa DESC;
B.SELECT student_id, semester_end, gpa FROM student_grades ORDER BY semester _end, ASC,gpa ASC;
C.SELECT student_id, semester_end, gpa FROM student_grades ORDER BY semester _end, gpa DESC;
D.SELECT student_id, semester_end, gpa FROM student_grades ORDER BY gpa DESC,semester_end DESC;
E.SELECT student_id, semester_end, gpa FROM student_grades


A. Immediately after the SELECT clause
B. Before the WHERE clause
C. Before the FROM clause
D. After the ORDER BY clause
E. After the WHERE clause


A. ALTER TABLE student_grades   ADD   FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES students(student_id);
B. ALTER TABLE student_grades   ADD CONSTRAINT NAME = student_id_fk   FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES students(student_id);
C. ALTER TABLE student_grades   ADD CONSTRAINT student_id_fk   FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES students(student_id);
D. ALTER TABLE student grades   ADD NAMED CONSTRAINT student_id_fk   FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES students(student_id);
E. ALTER TABLE student grades   ADD NAME student_id_fk   FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES students(student_id);


A. You can use aggregate functions in any clause of a SELECT statement.
B. You can use aggregate functions only in the column list of the SELECT clause and in the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement.
C. You can mix single row columns with aggregate functions in the column list of a SELECT statement by grouping on the single row columns.
D. You can pass column names, expressions, constants, or functions as parameters to an aggregate function.
E. You can use aggregate functions on a table, only by grouping the whole table as one single group.
F. You cannot group the rows of a table by more than one column while using aggregate functions.




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