单项选择题X 纠错

A. lbDetails.ItemsPanel.FindName("detail",lbDetails);
B. var tmpl = (ControlTemplate)FindResource("detail"); lbDetails.Template = tmpl; 
C. var tmpl = (DataTemplate)FindName("detail"); lbDetails.ItemTemplate = tmpl;
D. var tmpl = (DataTemplate)FindResource("detail"); lbDetails.ItemTemplate=tmpl;

查答案就用赞题库小程序 还有拍照搜题 语音搜题 快来试试吧
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A. button1.Style = FindName("A") as Style
B. button1.Style = FindName("B") as Style
C. button1.Style = FindResource("A") as Style
D. button1.Style = FindResource("B") as Style


A. WPF visualizer
B. in locals
C. WPF tree visualizer


A. Pack://application:,,,/myAssembly;component/MyFolder/myImage.jpg
B. Pack://application:,,,/myAssembly;MyFolder/component/myImage.jpg
C. Pack://application:,,,;component/myAssemby/MyFolder/myImage.jpg
D. Pack://application:,,,/myAssembly;component/myImage.jpg


A. The user interface will make use of the currently configured culture settings in the Control Panel at present.
B. The user interface will make use of new culture settings.
C.The user interface will make use of the culture settings that were installed with the operating system.


A. Set the Value property of the style setter to point to a static resource
B. Set the BasedOn property of the heading style to point to a static resource for the body text style
C. Set the Key property of the heading style to start with the name of the body text style
D. Set the TargetType property of the heading style to TextBlock


A. Use a bubbling routed event. In the button click event handler, set the Handled property to True
B. Use a bubbling routed event. In the button click event handler, set the Handled property to False
C. Use a standard Microsoft .NET event. Set Handled property to true.
D. Use a tunneling routed event. Set the handled property to false.




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