多项选择题X 纠错

A.Select * From Emp Where EmpNO Not In('791','792','793') 
B.Select * From Emp Where EmpNO !='791' AND EmpNO!='792' And EmpNO='793' 
C.Select * From Emp Where EmpNO <>'791' AND EmpNO<>792' And EmpNO=<>793' 
D.Select * From Emp Where EmpNO =!'791' AND EmpNO =!'792' And EmpNO =!'793'

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A.truncate table book 
B.delete * from book
C.drop table book 
D.delete from book


A.Update grade set score=score+5
B.Update grade set score=score+5 where score>=55 or score <=60
C.Update grade set score=score+5 where score between 55 and 60
D.Update grade set score=score+5 where score >=55 and score <=60


A.select top 1 * from book order by price asc
B.select top 1 * from book order by price desc
C.select top 1 * from book where price= (select max (price)from book)
D.select top 1 * from book where price= max(price)


A.select max(score) from grade 
B.select top 1 score from grade order by score asc 
C.Select min(score) from grade 
D.select top 1 score from grade order by score desc


A.Truncate table 可跟Where从句,根据条件进行删除 
B.Truncate table 用来删除表中所有数据 
C.触发器对Truncate table无效 
D.delete 比Truncate table速度快


A.SELECT * FROM 学习经历 WHERE 毕业学校 LIKE ’*清华*’ 
B.SELECT * FROM 学习经历 WHERE 毕业学校 = ’清华%’ 
C.SELECT * FROM 学习经历 WHERE 毕业学校 LIKE ’?清华?’ 
D.SELECT * FROM 学习经历 WHERE 毕业学校 LIKE ’%清华%’


A.Select * from [order details] Order by quantity desc 
B.Select * from [order details] Order by quantity asc
C.Select * from [order details] Order by quantity
D.Select * from [order details] Order by desc quantity




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