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A.rotor blades and landing gear
B.unloading of passengers
C.loading of cargo
D.pilot's visibility


A.start the engine in cold weather
B.aid in helping personnel breathe
C.prime the sprinkler system
D.prime the air supply


A.the chocks at the bow of a towed vessel
B.the most forward,centermost point of a towed vessel such asa sturdy bow rail
C.the mast of a towed sailboat
D.a secure fitting near the bow of the towed vessel


A.perform the Heimlich maneuver
B.make the victim lie down with the feet elevated to get blood to the brain
C.immediately administer CPR
D.do nothing until the victim becomes unconscious


A.walk the stern to starboard in reverse
B.walk the stern to port in reverse
C.run faster than a left-handed propeller
D.right itself if capsized


A.carotid artery in the neck
B.femoral artery in the groin
C.brachial artery in the arm
D.radial artery in the wrist


A.the man has been missing for a period of time
B.the sea water is very cold and the man is visible
C.there is thick fog
D.the wind was from astern on the original course


A.reduced appetite and thirst
B.sneezing and coughing
C.only a low grade fever
D.slurred speech and loss of coordination




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