
E 解析:段落的第三句指出了科学家们对本次撞击的期望:了解星际形成的条件。这是本段所要涉及的重点话题,因此,相应的段前小标题就该是E—这次撞击,人们可以期望什么?
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Part B (10 points)
You are going to read a text about the principles for teaching extensive reading, followed by a list of examples. Choose the best example from the list for each numbered subheading. There is one extra example which you do not need to use.
We offer here some principles for teaching extensive reading as a tool for professional development. These are what we believe the basic ingredients of extensive reading. We encourage teachers to use them as a way to examine their beliefs about reading in general and extensive reading in particular, and the ways they teach foreign language reading. We posit these principles in the hopes that others will consider them and react to them.
(41) The reading material is easy.
This clearly separates extensive reading from other approaches to teaching foreign language reading. For extensive reading to be possible and for it to have the desired results, texts must be well within the learners' reading competence in the foreign language.
(42) A variety of reading material on a wide range of topics must be available.
The success of extensive reading depends largely on enticing students to read. To awaken or en courage a desire to read, the texts made available should ideally be as varied as the learners who read them and the purposes for which they want to read.
(43) Learners choose what they want to read.
The principle of freedom of choice means that learners can select texts as they do in their own language, that is, they can choose texts they expect to understand, to enjoy or to learn from. Correlative to this principle, learners are also free, indeed encouraged, to stop reading anything they find to be too difficult, or that turns out not to be of interest.
(44) Learners read as much as possible.
This is the 'extensive' of extensive reading, made possible by the previous principles. The most critical element in learning to read is the amount of time spent actually reading.
The purpose of reading is usually related to pleasure, information and general understanding.
In an extensive reading approach, learners are encouraged to read for the same kinds of reasons and in the same ways as the general population of first-language readers. This sets extensive reading apart from usual classroom practice on the one hand, and reading for academic purposes on the other. One hundred percent comprehension, indeed, any particular objective level of comprehension, is not a goal. In terms of reading outcomes, the focus shifts away from comprehension achieved or knowledge gained and towards the reader's personal experience.
(45) Reading speed is usually faster rather than slower.
When learners are reading material that is well within their linguistic ability, for personal interest, and for general rather than academic purposes, it is an incentive to reading fluency.
We hope that these principles will give teachers food for thought and reflection as they consider their beliefs about how best to help their students become proficient foreign-language readers.


What is the best way to break up a boring moment and tension in the office? How does one develop one's sense of humor?
As people are fed up with lots of things in the workplace, it's healthy to create those humorous feelings. In fact, many companies now have humor rooms. In a dull moment, you may tell a funny story about something that you did. In general, real events are funnier than invented jokes. You may also show your boss or coworkers some business articles about humor—The Wall Street Journal and other publications have several such stories. Anything that makes you laugh—in print or on tape. But don't just be a consumer of humor—be a producer, too.
Start with humor and some funny stories that happened to you. The most important thing at work is to find someone who appreciates your humor. When you can laugh, somehow things don't feel so hopeless. The best humor accepts the unexpected side of things. Creativity is also strongly linked to humor. One of the exercises is to list 25 improvements for the standard. It's amazing how quickly people start to laugh as they think creatively and go for the unexpected. For example, 'How about glass walls with huge fish behind them? '
Management studies show that people with a good sense of humor are more likely to have raises and go further in companies than humorless people. Actually, humor is especially useful as a social lubricant (润滑剂) —in criticisms, complaints, etc. Humor reduces the threat and tension in any situation. Please put more humors in your work.
Many companies provide______and keep magazines with funny stories to help remove the tension of their employees.



会计人员工作调动或离职,必须办理交接手续,移交人对已移交的会计资料无需承担相应责任。( )



依据我国会计法的规定,单位领导的直系亲属不得担任本单位会计机构负责人,会计机构负责人的直系亲属也不得在本单位任出纳工作。( )



任何人只需具备所从事会计工作的知识和技能就能从事会计工作。( )



任何企业都必须设置总会计师。( )



企业应设置会计机构或在有关机构中设置会计人员,并指定会计主管人员。( )



在会计人员配备过程中,企业可根据规模大小、会计机构和会计岗位的设置情况等,一人一岗、一人多岗或一岗多人,但不相容岗位不得由同一个人担任。( )



会计工作是会计人员的职责,也是一种专业性很强的工作,因此会计工作应全部由会计人员承担。( )



会计信息系统是一个由计算机硬件、软件、数据、工作规程等要素构成的体系。( )




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