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The region’s best smaller companies
Once again, readers of this magazine have the chance to vote for the region’s best companies. (0)
The awards will be presented at a dinner in Birmingham on May 17.
The pattern established in the first year, of awards for Best Established Company, Best New Company and Best Entrepreneur, will of course continue. However this year sees a new category, that of Best Communication with Investors. (8) ...
The Established Company of the Year will be one whose success has lasted for more than just a couple of months or years. Its share price will be performing above the average for its sector, but that is not the only measurement which will be taken into account. (9) ... Above all, the winner will be professionally managed, in a way that deals equally well with good and bad trading conditions.
The New Company of the Year ’will have gone public last year, but will already have shown its growth and management qualities. (10) ... In fact three early winners have already been successful in this second category, as well.
The Entrepreneur of the Year will be someone with a proven track record of expertise in setting up and providing leadership to one or possibly more businesses. He or she will have created an organisation that can deal with the demands placed on it as a public company. (11) ... The winner will have maintained a balance between that original energy and the need to adapt as the company grows.
In our new category, Best Communication with Investors, the winning company will show that it is engaging in two-way dialogue with both actual and potential investors. (12) ... All of these communication channels will be carefully tailored for the intended audience. In addition, the company is likely to distribute press releases by electronic means, to maximise its opportunities for publicity.
Nominations for awards were invited several months ago, and reduced by the judges to a shortlist of three in each category. The shortlisted companies are described below, together with details of how to vote. Please get your vote to us no later than 31 March.

A. It wit), in effect, be able to demonstrate that it can go on to become an Established Company of the Year before long,
B. In order to win, the company will have achieved success in both spheres, and have the evidence to prove it.
C. To achieve this, it will be using a variety of means, including the annual report, presentations, a dedicated website and attendance at specialised exhibitions.
D. The judges will also consider the degree to which the company has a well planned and soundly financed strategy for its growth and development.
E. At the same time, this structure must not stifle the spirit that led to the company’s initial SUCCESS,
F. The innovation has been made in order to recognise the increasingly important part which this factor plays in a company’s success.
G. The competition, which is now in its tenth year, is designed to encourage excellence in smaller public companies based in this area.

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A.They used celebrities to present the products.
B.There was very little use of music.
C.They compared the company with its competitors.
D.There were very few product shots.
















A. It wit), in effect, be able to demonstrate that it can go on to become an Established Company of the Year before long,
B. In order to win, the company will have achieved success in both spheres, and have the evidence to prove it.
C. To achieve this, it will be using a variety of means, including the annual report, presentations, a dedicated website and attendance at specialised exhibitions.
D. The judges will also consider the degree to which the company has a well planned and soundly financed strategy for its growth and development.
E. At the same time, this structure must not stifle the spirit that led to the company’s initial SUCCESS,
F. The innovation has been made in order to recognise the increasingly important part which this factor plays in a company’s success.
G. The competition, which is now in its tenth year, is designed to encourage excellence in smaller public companies based in this area.












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