单项选择题X 纠错

A.altered perceptions.
B.toxic levels of pain medication.
C.impaired cognitive function.
D.impaired sense of time.

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A.perform chest physiotherapy every 4 hours.
B.give pancreatic enzymes as ordered.
C.place the child in an oxygen tent and have oxygen administered continuously.
D.serve a high-calorie diet.


A.Infuse the medication quickly to minimize its irritating effect on the walls of blood vessels.
B.Obtain renal function tests, such as blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine levels, throughout the course of therapy.
C.Assess for pulmonary and peripheral edema.
D.Obtain an order for an antiemetic to counteract the common adverse effect of nausea.


A.Total lung capacity.
B.Forced vital capacity.
C.Tidal volume.
D.Residual volume.


A."Yes. Hypertension is prevalent among males; it's fortunate we caught this during your routine examination. "
B."We'll need to reevaluate your blood pressure because your age places you at high risk for hypertension. "
C."A single elevated blood pressure doesn't confirm hypertension. You'll need to have your blood pressure reassessed several times before a diagnosis can be made. "
D."You have no need to worry. Your pressure is probably elevated because you're in the doctor's office. "


A.Follow a low-phenylalanine diet before trying to conceive.
B.A low-phenylalanine diet is necessary only during the first trimester.
C.Begin a low-phenylalanine diet when pregnancy is confirmed.
D.Dietary restrictions won't be necessary.


A.whole blood and albumin.
B.platelets and packed red blood cells.
C.fresh frozen plasma and whole blood.
D.cryoprecipitate and fresh frozen plasma.


A.External otitis is eharaeterized by pain when the pinna of the ear is pulled.
B.External otitis is usually accompanied by a high fever in children.
C.External otitis is usually related to an upper respiratory infection.
D.External otitis can be prevented by using cotton-tipped applicators to clean the ear.


A.Document it on their evaluation.
B.Ask them to attend inservice training for administration of IV medications.
C.Report them to the supervisor.
D.Report the incidents to the hospital attorney.




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