
Read the following passage. Choose the best answer.    
                    How to Use a Multi Core Flex Home Gym
The Multi Core Flex home gym is a piece of exercise equipment that trains your thighs and abs while massaging your back. The Health Care company has designed the machine to support your head, neck and back while you exercise. Padding along the back supports gives you a massage while you use your legs to rock yourself back and forth. The company claims that you will see results by using the home gym for just five minutes a day.
1. Take the home gym out of its packaging and spread the pieces out on the floor. Follow the instructions to quickly assemble the home gym. It is a simple machine, and assembling it should only take a few minutes.
2. Set the assembled home gym on the floor. Lay your head and neck on the head and neck supports. Your back will naturally align itself properly in the machine. If you have any confusion, consult the instruction manual.
3. Use your legs to rock back and forth in the machine. The motion should slightly fatigue your thighs and abs while relaxing your back and neck.
4. Continue the rocking motion for at least five minutes. To increase the challenge of the exercise, use only one leg to rock your body. Alternate legs every minute.
Tips & Warnings
If you use the home gym for only five minutes a day, it will not change your body significantly. This is not enough work to improve fitness or health. Better exercises for body transformation and health improvement are jogging, swimming and resistance training. There is no “quick-fix” for losing fat; this takes time and diligence.
What can you do if you want to add difficulty to the home gym exercise?
A、Lay your head and neck out straight.
B、Keep rocking for 5 minutes.
C、Use your legs to rock back and forth.
D、Use only one leg to rock your body.





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