

Directions: Read the following claim and choose the best evidence to support it.
Nuclear plants require lots of water. __________
A、One cannot look at only the nuclear power plant, but has to consider the whole process of producing electricity. The other processes such as mining, milling, refining and enrichment require energy input which may be carbon-based. The construction and decommissioning are also both energy-intensive processes. All of these may contribute to global warming.
B、Nuclear power plants are only 35% thermally efficient. This means for every kilowatt of electricity produced, almost twice as much waste heat is generated. Nuclear plants require water to remove the waste heat—usually into the environment.
C、The efficient use of natural resources is a major criterion in determining the environmental friendliness of a source of energy. Nuclear energy extracts by far more energy from the natural resource Uranium than does the exploitation of oil or any other natural resource. It is the most efficient use of the Earth’s resources. In fact a gram of uranium can generate as much electricity as four tons of coal.
D、Nuclear waste can be properly managed and stored with virtually no risks to society. There are very clear ways to effectively manage and store nuclear waste. All concerns related to this process relate to human error. If properly managed, all of these concerns can be addressed and all significant risks eliminated. Experience so far has been that this is a low risk process.




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