正确答案:品质优良 喜欢

2、【填空题】原文:I won’t say others’ T-shirts are not attractive. But look at ours. You can see that they’re good in material, fashionable in design and superb in workmanship. 译文:我不认为别人的T恤衫不引人注意, 不过请看我们的. 你可以看得出这T恤衫________、__________、工艺精湛。

正确答案:用料讲究 款式新颖

3、【填空题】原文:This is our quality product---a great improvement upon the old models. 译文:这是我们的__________,在原有型号基础上作了很大改进。


4、【填空题】原文:228号商品用的是同样的原料,而在图案设计和颜色色泽上有所改进。 和你所要的货很相似。 译文:No. 228 is of ________, but improved in design and tint very similar to what you want.

正确答案:the same material

5、【填空题】原文:你知道,我们的用户喜欢这料子,但是对这颜色和图案设计不感兴趣。 译文:You see, our users like the material, but they do not care for ________.

正确答案:the color and design


1、【填空题】原文:I’m delighted to convey to all the guests here and the Chinese people warm greetings and sincere wishes of the government and people of my country.译文:我很高兴向_________和中国人民转达我国政府和人民的________和_________。

正确答案:在场的来宾 热情问候 诚挚祝愿

2、【填空题】原文:In closing, I would like to invite you to join me in a toast: to the trade and friendship between us, to the health of Mr Gao, to the health of our Chinese friends, and to the health of my colleagues! Cheers!译文:_______,请各位和我一起举杯,为我们之间的贸易和友谊,___________,为中国朋友们的健康,为我同事们的健康,干杯!

正确答案:最后 为高先生的健康

3、【填空题】原文:I’d like to take this opportunity to wish Mr. Mayor and all our Chinese friends present here tonight good health. 译文:我要________, 祝市长先生和我们所有今晚在场的中国朋友,_________。

正确答案:借此机会 身体健康

4、【填空题】原文:欢迎参观开罗国际会议中心。该会议中心是中国政府赠送给埃及政府的礼物,是中埃两国人民友好的象征。译文:Welcome to _______. The conference center is a gift to the Egyptian government from the government of China. It is a symbol of friendship between ______________.

正确答案:the Cairo International Conference Center the people of China and Egypt

5、【填空题】原文:值此中秋月明的良宵,我们欢聚一堂,共庆这一中传统佳节。译文: On this moon night of the Mid-Autumn day, we _____ here together to celebrate the traditional Chinese festival.


A. 外感热盛
B. 阳明潮热
C. 湿热潮热
D. 阴虚潮热




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