


III. Reading Comprehension.  Directions: In this section there are two passages. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements with four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You are supposed to read the passage and make the best choice to complete each question or unfinished statement. Passage OneHere's a cautionary tale that should serve as a warning to every driver. One warm summer evening, a young woman went out for dinner with some of her friends. Let's call this young woman Susan. Susan and her friends stayed for a few drinks after dinner, and, before they knew it, it's gotten quite late. The friends paid their bill, walked out to the parking lot and their cars, and said their goodbyes to one another.Susan got into her car and began to drive away. Her home was off in the country, so she soon found herself driving along a deserted highway. After a few miles, she noticed a pair of headlights in her rear-view mirror. The other car approached very quickly with its turn signal on. Since there were no other cars on the road, it was going to pass her. Suddenly, the car swerved back and stayed very close to Susan's car. The headlights shone brightly in her rear-view mirror, and then the lights started to flash.At this point, Susan was getting a little scared. The other car was dangerously close, the lights kept flashing—on, off, bright, dim—and the car kept swerving back and forth behind her. Susan struggled to keep her eyes on the road in front of her and fought the urge to look in her rear-view mirror at the bright lights of the car following her. Finally, she saw the sign for her exit and turned off the highway. However, the car continued to follow her and continued to flash its lights. Susan was beginning to be terrified.She took an indirect route to her house, making many turns. Through every turn, stop sign, and red light, the other car continued to follow. She knew she had no choice. She eventually drove to her house and pulled into her driveway. Of course, the other car followed her and came to a stop right behind her. She knew her only hope was to make a run for it and try to get inside her house so she could get to a phone. She opened the car door and ran as fast as she could. As she ran, she heard another voice scream, "Lock your door and call the police!"From her window, Susan could see that the driver of the other car didn't leave. She was scared stiff. When the police finally arrived, the horrible truth was revealed. The man in the other car was actually trying to save her! As he pulled up behind her on the highway, his headlights illuminated the dark figure of a man in the back seat of Susan's car. The man in the back seat kept trying to rise up and hurt Susan, but every time the headlights flashed, he crouched back down to stay out of sight.
The woman in this story was in an extremely _____ situation.




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