
5. A Golen Apple
Zeus held a banquet in celebration of the marriage of Peleus and Thetis. Left off the guest list was Eris (goddess of discord), and upon turning up uninvited, she threw or rolled a golden apple into the ceremony, with an inscription that read:"to the fairest." Three goddesses claimed the apple: Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. Zeus remembered Paris of Troy as being the most beautiful of mortal men and was aware of the bull-judging contest which was soon to come, in which Paris would be judge. So Zeus sent Ares, who disguised himself as a bull, which was one of his symbols. Ares accepted this duty given by Zeus humorously. Being a god, he appeared perfect in all respects and therefore was awarded the Golden Laurels. Zeus named Paris as the judge as he knew that Paris would be a fair and equal judge.
He gave the apple to Hermes and told him to deliver it to Paris and tell him that the goddesses would accept his decision without argument, and so the goddesses appeared. Each of the goddesses offered Paris a gift as a bribe in return for the apple. First, Hera promised him to give him the supreme right, and bless him to be a superior ruler, Athena is willing to give him wisdom and strength, encouraged him to have the courage to adventure, break a hero brilliant road. Aphrodite promised to let the world's most beautiful woman in love with her, and volunteered to be his wife, Helen, at that time of Sparta. Prince Paris think it over and over again, feel right and rule he inherited his father 's throne, after can be, the hero's path he have a good ability to play, but the beauty is not every day can be encountered, especially women always love him. Besides, he felt that Aphrodite with the smallest waist, is the standard S shape.
Paris chose Aphrodite, a decision that ultimately led to the start of the Trojan war. Paris soon went to celebrate the marriage of Helen and Menelaus with his brother. They spent the night there, and Menelaus was called to Agamemnon, and thus Helen and Paris were left alone. In this time they made love, and Helen left Menelaus and sailed to Troy with Paris, thus initiating the Trojan War.
    9. Why did Eris roll the apple to the ceremony?

A.Because she was the goddess of discord.
B.Because she wanted to play a game with them.
C.Because she wanted to know who is the fairest goddess.
D.Because she wanted to revenge when she wasn’t invited to the ceremony.







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