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The biosphere is the name biologists give to the sort of skin on the surface of this planet that is inhabitable by living organisms. Most land creatures occupy only the interface between the atmosphere and the land;birds extend their range for a few hundred feet into the atmosphere;burrowing invertebrates(无 脊椎动物)such as earthworms may reach a few yards into the soil but rarely penetrate farther unless.it has been recently disturbed by men. Fish cover a wider range,from just beneath the surface of the sea to those depths of greater than a mile inhabited by specialized creatures. Fungi(真菌)and bacteria are plentiful in the atmosphere to a height of about half a mile,blown there by winds from the lower air. Balloon exploration of the stratosphere(同温层)as long ago as 1936 indicated that moulds and bacteria could be found at heights of several miles,recently the USAs National Aeronautics and Space Administration has detected them,in decreasing numbers,at heights up to eighteen miles. They arc pretty sparse at such levels, about one for every two thousand cubic feet, compared with 50 to 100 per cubic foot at two to six miles(the usual altitude of jet aircraft),and they are almost certainly in an inactive state. Marine bacteria have been detected at the bottom of the deep Pacific trench,sometimes as deep as seven miles; they are certainly not inactive. Living microbes have also been obtained on land from cores of rock drilled(while prospecting for oil)at depths of as much as 1,200 feet. Thus we can say, disregarding the exploits of astronauts, that the biosphere has a maximum thickness of about twenty-five miles. Active living processes occur only within a compass of about seven miles,in the sea, on land and in the lower atmosphere, but the majority of living creatures live within a zone of a hundred feet or so. If this planet were sealed down to the size of an orange,the biosphere,at its extreme width,would occupy the thickness of the orange-colored skin,excluding the pith. In this tiny zone of our planet takes place the multitude of chemical and biological activities that we call life. The way in which living creatures interact with each other, depend on each other or compete with each other, has fascinated thinkers since the beginning of recorded history. Living things exist in a fine balance which is often taken for granted, from a practical point of view, things could not be otherwise. Yet it is a source of continual amazement to scientists because of its intricacy and delicacy. The balance of nature is obvious most often when it is disturbed. Yet even here it can seem remarkable how quickly it readjusts itself to a new balance after a disturbance. The science of ecology—the study of the interaction of organisms with their environment—has grown up to deal with the minutiae of the balance of nature.
According to the passage,the'biosphere'is the layer on the earths surface_____.
A.where the atmosphere meets the sea
B.in which birds, fish and animals would die
C.in which plant and animal life can exist
D.in which earthworms and other invertebrates can live此题为多项选择题。






A World Without Books Or Music If books had never been discovered, man would have found some other way of recording his communication. But then,for our consideration,we should include as books everything that is a written record. This would include tablets,papyrus and anything else—including computer diskettes. In the case of music.it would be impossible to think that man can live without it. Looking at primitive cultures, it appears that music is actually a part of the human psyche. When two things are knocked together, music is produced. So for the sake of our discussion.it is intended to restrict the meaning of music to the popularly accepted concept. Music is the pleasing combination of sounds that we like to listen to. Though it is difficult to,we can pretend that these things never existed. In this case we would not miss them today. To compare with recent inventions, let us look at radio and television Though we cannot think of life without them today, this is so only from comparatively recent times. There are many of us living today who had seen a time when there was no television. They will tell us that life was not that much different. The same is probably true of radio. But books are a different thing because they, or something akin to them,began thousands of years ago. In the case of music.it goes back even further-perhaps to millions of years, we may be able to imagine a world which never saw books,because books are a human invention. However, in the case of music this does not seem possible. Pleasing sounds are all around us,like the singing of the birds and the whistling of the wind. Music just seems to be inborn in us and in the world around us. If books did not exist,the world will be a poorer place indeed. Great philosophies like Platos would become unknown and all the pleasures and lessons we could get from them will be lost forever. Then there is literature like the works of the great masters like Shakespeare,Dickens and Jane Austen. What a so sombre,miserable world it will be without the pleasures of reading. Since there are so many other things which depend on reading—like plays,songs and movies—we can expect them to disappear also. It would be a dark and unsatisfying world where knowledge is not propagated;where there are no books to derive pleasure from. In the case of music,without it the world will be bleak and cold indeed. It would be a terrible world with no cheery tunes ,no songs to sing and no great music to lose ourselves in. A world which does not listen to the music of the great masters like Chopin and Beethoven would be a very sorry world. There will not be so many smiles on faces anymore. When we lose music,an expression of a deep part of ourselves—from the soul—is lost. With music,connected activities like dancing will be lost too. A world without music and dancing will bring us back to the Stone Age. Unlike radio,television,telephones and computers,reading and music are not mere conveniences that we can live without. Reading is crucial for self-expression and for passing on records and knowledge to future generations. Music is part of our very soul. A world without these will not be the world as we know it. In fact,many of us would not want to live in such a world.
Music is part of the human psyche because____.
A.it is part of primitive culture
B.it is something we like to listen to
C.it always strikes a chord with us
D.it has been produced since ancient times此题为多项选择题。





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