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Play is the principal business of childhood, and more and more in recent years research has shown the great importance of play in the development of a human being. From earliest infancy, every child needs opportunity and the right material for play, and the main tools of play are toys. Their main function is to suggest, encourage and assist play. To succeed in this they must be good toys, which children will play often, and will come back to again and again. Therefore it is important to choose suitable toys for different stages of a child’s development.
In recent years’ research on infant development has shown the standard a child is likely to reach, within the range of his inherited abilities, is largely determined in the first three years of his life. So a baby’s ability to profit from the right play materials should not be underestimated. A baby who is encouraged and stimulated, talked to and shown things and played with, has the best chance of growing up successfully.
The next stage, from three to five years old, curiosity knows no bounds. Every type of suitable toys should be made available to the child, for trying out, experimenting and learning, for discovering his own particular ability. Bricks and jigsaws and construction toys; painting, scribbling and making things; sand and water play; toys for imaginative and pretending play ;the first social games for learning to play and get on with others.
By the third stage of play development—from five to seven or eight years—the child is at school. But for a few more years play is still the best way of learning, at home or at school. It is easier to see which type of toys the child most enjoys.
Until the age of seven or eight’, play and work mean much the same thing to a child. But once reading has been mastered, then books and school become the main source of learning. Toys are still interesting and valuable, they lead on to new hobbies, but their significance has changed—to a child of nine or ten years, toys and games mean, as to adults, relaxation and fun.

A. four years old
B. six years old
C. one year old
D. two years old

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W: The weather today is lovely, isn’t it
M: Yes, it’s fine.
W: Would you like to climb mountain with us today
M: Oh, that’s the last thing in the world that I ever want to do.

A. He went mountain climbing last year.
B. He hasn’t traveled around the world yet.
C. He definitely does not want to go.
D. He always wants to climb that mountain.


W: Dr. Steven, I am thinking about changing my major before the end of the freshman year.
M: What are you studying now
W: I am taking three general courses and American history and American literature this semester. Last semester I took four requirements and freshman French.
M: I believe it’s not too late to change your major because you’ve mainly taken general requirements which all freshmen have to take. Also we have twelve electives so the two literature courses will be included in them, so you can change your major without losing any credit hours.
W: I am very happy to know I am still able to change my major. I am interested in writing newspaper articles, and after finishing my degree I would like to work for some newspaper firm.
M: Oh, I think you will be a good writer.
W: Dr. Steven, when do students start practical training
M: They don’t begin practical training in reporting until the sophomore year. Journalism normally is taken in the freshman year as a general background course.
W: I see. I will take the course next semester. Thank you very much for your help.
M: You’re welcome. I look forward to seeing you in my department.

A. English sociology.
B. Journalism.
C. Freshman French.
D. Writing.


M: Did you take these pictures They are very good.
W: Yes, I think they turned out very well too. I like to bring my camera with me wherever I go. That’s way if I see something attractive I can take a picture of it.
M: Carrying a big camera around is too much trouble for me.
W: My camera is really small enough. Here let me show you.
M: That is a compact camera. But you must know a lot about photography to get such professional looking results.
W: Not necessarily. This camera is simple to work. It has an automatic focus. I don’t even have to worry about focusing.
M: That’s what I need. When I take pictures, they usually come out blurry because I don’t adjust the lenses properly. And I hate photos that are out of focus. Is a camera like yours very expensive
W: Less than you’d expect. Why don’t you check the prices that Head Fields demonstrates This model was on sale there last week.
M: I think I will. It certainly won’t hurt to take a look.

A. It focuses automatically.
B. It has a lot of specialized lenses.
C. It is easy to load.
D. It advances the film automatically.


Nowadays, a standard for measuring power has changed. These changes foretell a new standard for measuring power. No longer will a nation’s political influence be based solely on the strength of its military forces. Of course, military effectiveness will remain a primary measure of power. But political influence is also closely tied to industrial competitiveness. It’s often said that without its military the Soviet Union would really be a third-world nation. The new standard of power and influence that is evolving now places more emphasis on the ability of a country to compete effectively in the economic markets of the world.
America must recognize this new course of events. Our success in shaping world events over the past 40 years has been the direct result of our ability to adapt technology and to take advantage of the capabilities of our people for the purpose of maintaining peace. Our industrial prowess (威力) over most of this period was unchallenged. It is ironic (有讽刺性的) that it is just this prowess that has enabled other countries to prosper and in turn to threaten our industrial leadership.
The competitiveness of America’s industrial base is an issue bigger than the department of defense and is going to require the efforts of the major institutional forces in our society, government, industry, and education. That is not to say that the defense department will not be a strong force in the process. But we simply cannot be, nor should we be, looked upon by others as the savior (救星) of American industry.

A. its powerful military forces
B. its vast land
C. its industrial competitiveness
D. its contributions to world peace


For many years, T-shirts were short sleeved undershirts only for men and boys. T-shirts used to be of one color-white. And since they were worn under shirts, they were generally not seen.
Today things have changed a lot. T-shirts has become colorful and fashionable. It can be seen almost everywhere and on everyone. Women and children wear T-shirts as well as teenagers, university students and men from all walks of life. T-shirts are worn on the playground, on the beach or in town. They can also be worn for work. Because the T-shirts are relatively inexpensive, smart, comfortable and convenient to wear, they have become one of the newest ideas in fashion over the world.
Although T-shirts are now available in a wide variety of bright materials and styles, the most popular kind is the traditional cotton T-shirts with a slogan or a picture printed on the front. A T-shirt may bear a single word, a popular phrase, pictures of sportsmen, or an advertisement. As T-shirts are becoming more and more popular, new designs are coming up all the time.

A. T-shirts are suitable for home wear.
B. T-shirts are smart and comfortable.
C. T-shirts go well with trousers.
D. T-shirts feel soft and wash well.


M: Congratulations on breaking the records at the recent Olympics, Miss Green!
W: Thank you, Mr Parker.
M: Oh, look at those trophies! You became a swimming star at the age of fifteen, didn’t you
W: Yeah, you’re right.
M: Could you tell me something about your plans for the future
W: To tell you the truth, I’m going to give up swimming from now on.
M: I beg your pardon
W: I mean I’d rather not swim at all. I’m too old to...
M: Excuse me, if I’m not wrong, you’re only twenty now. Is it too old at twenty
W: Yes, too old for a swimmer. If I swim in an intemational competition, I’ll hardly be able to win.
M: But...er...don’t you enjoy swimming
W: Certainiy, and I enjoy visiting other countries, and the Olympics are very exciting. However, I missed more important things. I had to work very hard at swimming. There was training before school. after school, and at weekends. While other girls were growing up, I was swimming, swimming. But life isn’t merely swimming, is it

A. 15.
B. 20.
C. 18.
D. 16.


The evolution of artificial intelligence is now proceeding so rapidly that (26) the middle of this century cheap computers (27) larger than portable typewriters will (28) that will be able to solve almost any (29) faster and more efficiently than we can. "Intelligence" in a machine, (30) in a human, is best (31) as the ability to solve complex problems swiftly. This (32) involve medical analysis and prescriptions, (33) legal matters— (34) short, replacing the profession of lawyers completely or in (35) war games: in other words, (36) governments whether (37) not to go to war. (38) computers have already intensified the deadlines of weapons, the prospect is that they will (39) the more beneficial role of preventing wars. (40) asked to estimate the chances of victory, the computer will analyze facts (41) from the lifelong military expert with his optimistic sense and military enthusiasm.
When the same figures are fed into the emotionless machine each to be weighed with (42) objective and then judged (43) each other, the (44) , far more often than " (45) " in human decision making, will be: "You start this war you will lose. \

A. install
B. happen
C. appear
D. show


M: What do you think of my new painting I’ve just finished it.
W: Well, the colors are a little strange, don’t you think so Perhaps a little too vivid
M: Ah, yes. That’s the point. It’s called Colors.
W: Oh, yes, I see. Well, it’s not quite my cup of tea—but we all have different tastes, don’t we

A. Strange colors.
B. Different tastes of tea.
C. Fashion.
D. A painting.


W: What a surprise to see you at the supermarket! I thought you always ate in restaurants.
M: The restaurants cost too much. I usually eat at home, and I’m a good cook. If you like, you can come to have supper with me tonight.
W: That’s a good chance, I won’t miss it. Thanks a lot.

A. In the supermarket.
B. In the restaurant.
C. In the man’s home.
D. In the woman’s home.


W: Dr. Steven, I am thinking about changing my major before the end of the freshman year.
M: What are you studying now
W: I am taking three general courses and American history and American literature this semester. Last semester I took four requirements and freshman French.
M: I believe it’s not too late to change your major because you’ve mainly taken general requirements which all freshmen have to take. Also we have twelve electives so the two literature courses will be included in them, so you can change your major without losing any credit hours.
W: I am very happy to know I am still able to change my major. I am interested in writing newspaper articles, and after finishing my degree I would like to work for some newspaper firm.
M: Oh, I think you will be a good writer.
W: Dr. Steven, when do students start practical training
M: They don’t begin practical training in reporting until the sophomore year. Journalism normally is taken in the freshman year as a general background course.
W: I see. I will take the course next semester. Thank you very much for your help.
M: You’re welcome. I look forward to seeing you in my department.

A. The junior year.
B. The freshman year.
C. The senior year.
D. The sophomore year.




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