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Genes that control factors such as size, color and shape determine the differences in fruit. And now that scientists have discovered how to detect different genes, farmers can hand over a young and tender branch to have its genes checked prior to planting. It works the same way as a detective (侦探) checking finger-prints. Once farmers know which trees are good and which are bad, they can discard the bad ones. Farmers can even create new varieties according to their individual tastes.
In the past three years, tens of thousands of tests were carried out to determine the genetic (基因的) features of fruit. Zhang, a Chinese scientists, showed a photo of a DNA (脱氧核糖核酸)-test and pointed to the shining lines on it, saying that the lines were genetic signs that tell us what a tree’s fruit will be like. For example, the ordinary pear tree bears fruit after four years. But now it only takes a month to test the DNA from a young leaf and a farmer will know everything about its fruit. By mixing different types of trees with suitable genes, farmers can create whatever fruit trees they want.

A. has greatly affected the way of planting trees
B. has been a popular planting procedure
C. will change the taste of individuals
D. will play a vital role in fruit production

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The history of civil engineering is a very important story in the development of civilization. Civil engineers began practicing their profession four thousand years ago.
Consider the pyramids of Egypt. They are evidence that some of the earliest engineers had great scientific ability. They are also proof that those engineers could make lasting works of art and design. Although they lived thousands of years ago, the Egyptian engineers used very exact measurements. The base of the largest pyramid, the great pyramid near Gizeh, comes to within inches of being a perfect square. Each corner points toward the exact directions of north, south, east and west. The inside of the pyramid is filled with complicated passages and tunnels. These lead to different rooms inside the pyramid. Many of these passages are of great length and height.

A. the earliest people were the most intelligent
B. some of the earliest people had very great ability
C. the earliest engineers had advanced technology
D. modern people are not as clever as the earliest people


The history of civil engineering is a very important story in the development of civilization. Civil engineers began practicing their profession four thousand years ago.
Consider the pyramids of Egypt. They are evidence that some of the earliest engineers had great scientific ability. They are also proof that those engineers could make lasting works of art and design. Although they lived thousands of years ago, the Egyptian engineers used very exact measurements. The base of the largest pyramid, the great pyramid near Gizeh, comes to within inches of being a perfect square. Each corner points toward the exact directions of north, south, east and west. The inside of the pyramid is filled with complicated passages and tunnels. These lead to different rooms inside the pyramid. Many of these passages are of great length and height.

A. the exact measurements adopted by the designers
B. the intelligence of the builders
C. the hard work of art and design
D. the high quality of building materials


Genes that control factors such as size, color and shape determine the differences in fruit. And now that scientists have discovered how to detect different genes, farmers can hand over a young and tender branch to have its genes checked prior to planting. It works the same way as a detective (侦探) checking finger-prints. Once farmers know which trees are good and which are bad, they can discard the bad ones. Farmers can even create new varieties according to their individual tastes.
In the past three years, tens of thousands of tests were carried out to determine the genetic (基因的) features of fruit. Zhang, a Chinese scientists, showed a photo of a DNA (脱氧核糖核酸)-test and pointed to the shining lines on it, saying that the lines were genetic signs that tell us what a tree’s fruit will be like. For example, the ordinary pear tree bears fruit after four years. But now it only takes a month to test the DNA from a young leaf and a farmer will know everything about its fruit. By mixing different types of trees with suitable genes, farmers can create whatever fruit trees they want.

A. put aside
B. give up
C. deal with
D. take up


The()(reduce) in the supply of oil at a time of increasing consumption resulted in a severe energy crisis.



In spite of()(occasion) differences in opinion, Tom and Paul get along very well.



The history of civil engineering is a very important story in the development of civilization. Civil engineers began practicing their profession four thousand years ago.
Consider the pyramids of Egypt. They are evidence that some of the earliest engineers had great scientific ability. They are also proof that those engineers could make lasting works of art and design. Although they lived thousands of years ago, the Egyptian engineers used very exact measurements. The base of the largest pyramid, the great pyramid near Gizeh, comes to within inches of being a perfect square. Each corner points toward the exact directions of north, south, east and west. The inside of the pyramid is filled with complicated passages and tunnels. These lead to different rooms inside the pyramid. Many of these passages are of great length and height.

A. people began practicing civil engineering in order to become professional engineers
B. civil engineers began putting their knowledge into practice
C. there appeared civil engineers by profession
D. civil engineers got more involved in their profession


It’s a waste of time()(try) to reason with him.

参考答案:trying/to try


I would rather the football match()(take) place tomorrow.



Genes that control factors such as size, color and shape determine the differences in fruit. And now that scientists have discovered how to detect different genes, farmers can hand over a young and tender branch to have its genes checked prior to planting. It works the same way as a detective (侦探) checking finger-prints. Once farmers know which trees are good and which are bad, they can discard the bad ones. Farmers can even create new varieties according to their individual tastes.
In the past three years, tens of thousands of tests were carried out to determine the genetic (基因的) features of fruit. Zhang, a Chinese scientists, showed a photo of a DNA (脱氧核糖核酸)-test and pointed to the shining lines on it, saying that the lines were genetic signs that tell us what a tree’s fruit will be like. For example, the ordinary pear tree bears fruit after four years. But now it only takes a month to test the DNA from a young leaf and a farmer will know everything about its fruit. By mixing different types of trees with suitable genes, farmers can create whatever fruit trees they want.

A. the examination of human finger-prints
B. the development of new varieties of fruit
C. the checking of young and tender branches
D. the distinction between bad trees and good ones


The last major()(occur) of this kind of disease was in 1947.




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